It’s time to confess. This has been gnawing at me for some time now. Here it goes… I have done little to no work on my racial equity journey and it has been almost a year since I last posted on this blog. Now, the inner perfectionist in me wants to explain and justify why I haven’t done anything. “I […]
Use Your Privilege to Make a Difference – Vote, Stay Present, Take Action
Let me start by first saying, if you have the privilege to vote, please vote! If you have time, encourage others to vote or find ways to volunteer. If you don’t have the time, but have resources to spare, donate to organizations that support the voting process. See the end of this post for a few recommendations. Over the past […]
Diving into Privilege through the Lens of Ability
One of the first places to start when thinking about or wanting to take action to dismantle racism at all levels (individual, interpersonal, institutional, and structural) is to dive into privilege. Let’s begin with being able to name or identify privilege, which hopefully leads to deeper understanding, empathy, and action. First, a simple definition of privilege I use is unearned […]
From #DefundthePolice to #ReimaginethePolice – An Invitation for Reflection & Dialogue About Policing
When I first started seeing #DefundthePolice on social media, I admit that I was really unsure what it meant. Of course, I could assume it was related to wanting to end policy brutality, but several questions ran through my mind. Is this supposed to mean the end of police funding all together? And if so, what would go in its […]
Welcome to Intersect Race
Before I write anything else, let me say, clearly and upfront: Black Lives Matter and Black Life matters. As protests of George Floyd’s murder and police brutality continue, I have been reflecting on the ways in which I can continue to learn about anti-blackness and actively support antiracist efforts. For a variety of health and safety reasons, I have not […]